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Re: Pu-238 Pacemakers
About 5 or 6 years ago when I was stilldoing hospitalstuff I got called to
the morgue where the mortician had found a pacemaker in a patient. the
pacemaker was labelled 4 Ci. Pu and had the rad trefiol plainly on the
outside. We packaged it up and shipped it back to the manufacturer in
the Netherlands. Later gossip with an old HP turned up that the devices
if old enough will fill up with Helium Gas to the tune of more than a few
atmospheres of pressure. Don't know about this last bit but it seems
> I'm asking this on behalf of a (HP) non-subscriber. Please respond to me
> directly.
> Are heart pacemakers powered by Pu-238 still manufactured in the U.S.?
> Whether they are or not - are the in use in the U.S.?
> When they were/(are) in use - How much Pu-238 is in a pacer unit?
> Thanks in advance, as usual.
> Albert Lee Vest The Ohio State University
> Health Physicist Room 103 1314 Kinnear Road Bldg
> (614)292-1284 1314 Kinnear Road
> avest@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu Columbus OH 43212
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