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Calibration of Indirect reading Pocket Ion Chambers
Hello Radsafers-
I am looking for information/guidelines/procedures for the response
check/drift tolerance, etc. of Victoreen pocket ion chambers, indirect
reading type, Victoreen #362. I am looking for someone that has possibly
been through this already and can provide me with some assistance or
guidance. These dosimeters are read in a Victoreen Minometer II. I would
appreciate responses from anyone that has relevant experience with these
dosimeters. I know that there are several NEW products out there that
could do the job of exposure monitoring. However, we are using what we
have to work with. These dosimeters are used at our Cyclotron facility
for monitoring daily personnel exposures and are NOT used for permanent
dose records.
I am also interested in alternatives to these dosimeters, i.e. does
anyone have an alternative to this type of dosimeter for monitoring daily
personnel exposures. We will consider purchasing new equipment, but only
if all else fails, and there aren't any alternatives.
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Thomas P. Johnston tjohnsto@admin4.hsc.uth.tmc.edu
Radiation Safety Specialist
PDRC / Cyclotron Facility
University of Texas - Houston Health Science Center
6431 Fannin St. JFB G.752
Houston, TX 77030
fax: 792-5056