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Re: Information-vs-opinions
I like the idea of separating opinion (O) from information (I) messages. Of
course we would need to add another classification, (BS). Nevertheless, I
suspect that experts would disagree on which of the categories some material
falls into. This would just spawn another series of virulent exchanges on why
someone used (I) when the writer feels that (O) should have been used. That
will add even more noise to the group.
I already have trouble wading through all the messages that include the FULL
text of the message they are responding to, and the FULL text of message that
that message was responding to, etc, etc.
Stephen G. Frantz
Director, Reed College Reactor
3203 Southeast Woodstock Blvd.
Portland, Oregon 97202-8199
voice: 503-777-7222 fax: 503-777-7274
email: sfrantz@reed.edu http://www.reed.edu/~sfrantz