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Re: Phenol/ Chloroform/32p mixed waste

>Generally good advice, but watch out for acetone.  When used as a solvent,
>waste generated from its use can have the F003 designation IF it is
>ignitable.  Keeping concentrations of the solvent low (~10%) should prevent
>that outcome.  I would avoid use of a solvent unless absolutely necessary,
>and then try one that is neither ignitable nor on the F-listed waste tables.

Phenol/chloroform/P32 liquid wastes already carry D022 listing (for
chloroform), and must be managed as Mixed Waste.  Adding F003 would appear
to be a negligable contribution to the management thereof.

Removal of the chloroform from the plastics in use in DNA precips in
genetics labs to prevent them from becoming mixed wastes (the original
query) would be difficult/impossible without the use of _some_ solvent
capable of sufficiently removing trace chloroform from plastic tips and tubes.


*John DeLaHunt, EHS & RSO * 1125 Glen Avenue          *
*The Colorado College     * Colorado Springs, CO 80905*
*jdelahunt@cc.colorado.edu* VOX:  (719)389-6678       *
*        Owner:           * FAX:  (719)635-3177       *
*hazmat-l@cc.colorado.edu *                           *
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