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Re[2]: Controlled Areas
>Also, can someone tell me where the REGULATIONS stipulate what LIMITING
access to controlled and restricted areas means? Is signage adequate?
Rope and stantion barriers? Security guards with assult weapons?
[Yes. And none of these. It can simply be procedural control. It simply
has to be appropriate for the situation at hand. But regardless of the
regulatory requirement liability issues and organization P.R. will usually
mandate controls well in excess of anything 10CFR requires]<
In many cases, nuclear power plants, the specific requirements are defined
in the plant's Technical Specifications or in the plant's Procedures. For
example, a situation may require control, such as in constant
surveillance; a video camera monitoring the area is acceptable, or, a
guard posted at the area. This may be defined under specific scenarios. A
barricade in many cases is defined as an appropriate posting, making the
worker aware of the potential hazard of being in the area, and in many
cases a ribbon rope is acceptable. In some cases areas are locked with
barriers that can not be penetrated. They are all defined in the Tech
Specs or procedures. The regulations, i.e., 10 CFR Part 20 are not
Sandy Perle
Supervisor Health Physics
Florida Power and Light Company
Nuclear Division
(407) 694-4219 Office
(407) 694-3706 Fax
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