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10CFR20 on the Web -Reply -Reply -Reply

An opinion with which I agree whole heartedly.

>>> Charleen Raddatz <CTR@nrc.gov> - 4/12/96 6:00 AM
The reason that no one at NRC has the electronic copy, is
that GPO publishes things in a non-standard format (kodak
or something).  So when we finish a rule, it is translated to
this format none of us can use.  There are always minor edits
made and even subsequent revisions that only affect small
portions.  So, we do not have an electronic version, that is up
to date, that includes all of Part 20.

If this is the case then the NRC needs to change how they
do things.
Ten years ago the USDOL - OSHA worked diligently on
setting up a process so that ALL documents (Federal
Register notices, standards, letters of interpretations, internal
technical manuals...) in a form to facilitate computer
dissemination. The result is the OSHA CDROM published by
GPO, the contents of which are also available on the
OSHA Web site.

IMHO the NRC, and DOT, really needs to copy what OSHA
has done in this area. OSHA and EPA have excellent
information dissemination through electronic media. The NRC
and DOT Web sites are severly lacking in useful material and
appear to be mainly PR.

Just my two bits worth.

Michael Blotzer michael.j.blotzer@lerc.nasa.gov
