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Health Phys back issues
Dear Radsafers,
We have amalgamated a couple of collections of Health Physics journals, and
now have a number of gaps and duplicates. If anyone would like one of our
surplus issues let me know and I will put it in the post. Conversely, if
anyone has a spare copy from the following list of missing issues I would
be very grateful to receive it!
Surplus: Missing:
Vol 38 No 6 Vol 44 No 4,5
46 1,2,4,6 50 6
47 2,4,5,6 53 6
48 1,2,3,6 56 5
49 1,3-6 60 4,5,6
50 1-5 61 1-6
51 1-6 62 3,4
52 1,2 63 1-6
58 1,2,3,6 69 5
59 1,5
60 2,3
64 1.
Apologies if this is seen as an inappropriate posting.
Jocelyn Towson
Radiation Safety Officer
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital