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Commercial Source of As-73

Dear Radsafers:

One of our Plant and Soils researchers here at Montana State University is
looking for a commercial source of Arsenic-73 (sodium arsenite I believe).
The last time anyone here acquired As-73, they had to get it "special order"
from Los Alamos.

Do any of you folks know of a vendor that can supply us with that material?
If so, please send your responses directly to me.

Best regards,

-Erick Lindstrom

P.S - Easy on the "Big Whacko Country" jokes.

 Erick Lindstrom
 Radiation Safety Officer
 309 Montana Hall
 Montana State University
 Bozeman, MT  59717-0244
 Phone: (406) 994-2108
 Fax:	(406) 994-4792