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Re: 2R Inner Containers
Have you had any luck finding a 2R?
Sherry W. Jones
Los Alamos National Laboratory
P. O. Box 1663, MS E524
Los Alamos, NM 87545
(505) 665-2712
Fax: (505) 665-8997
E-Mail: swjones@lanl.gov
>I am trying to locate a certified 2R inner container that is 9" or greater
>in diameter and between 17 and 20 inches long. The container will be used
>once to return a source to Oak Ridge. If you know of a company who uses
>this size 2R and might rent one to us or who could make one please reply.
>e-mail address: fennerrf@ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu
>ph #: (615) 322-2057