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Re: Magnetic Field Surveys

>I'd suggest that you demonstrate to the users that even the Earth field 
>affects a computer monitor.  When you subject a large screen color monitor to 
>a static field of as little as 50 microT (500 mG) you get distortions, 
>particularly color distortions at the corners.  The Earth field doesn't cause 
>such distortions because the monitor compensates.  Turn the monitor on its 
>side, so that the compensation is wrong, and you will usually (always?) see 
>the same distortion. 

WOW!! This works!! I turned my monitor on its side and the colour "faded"
very noticeably in one corner.

Try It!!!
  Alex Zapantis                                         
  Radiation Safety Officer                                     
  Queensland University of Technology 
  Acting Manager       
  Health & Safety Section                             
  Locked Bag No.2                    Ph     : 61 7 3864 3566
  Red Hill Qld 4059                    fax     : 61 7 3864 3993
  AUSTRALIA                           Email  : a.zapantis@qut.edu.au    

       "I have stood on the shoulders of giants and 
        touched the face of God"
                                                            Albert Einstein
