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Re: Half value layer - Va48
Reply to: RE>>Half value layer - Va48
I have a great reference which I often find very handy for questions such as
this. It is Oak Ridge National Laboratory/Union Carbide publication number
ORNL/RSIC-45/R1 Specific Gamma-Ray Dose Constants for Nuclides Important to
Dosimetry and Radiological Assessment, May 1982, by L.M. Unger and D.K. Trubey.
It is in S.I. units and while it does not specify HVL's it does list TVL's
(tenth value layers) for a large number of gamma and x-ray emitting nuclides.
The data for V-48 is:
Half life = 16.0 days
Gamma Factor = 4.577E-4 mSv-m/hr-MBq
TVL = 3.893 cm Pb
I believe that this publication should still be available from the National
Technical Information Service, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Rd.,
Springfield, VA 22161.
Hope this helps,
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Michael J. Bohan | Phone: (203) 785-2950
Radiation Safety Officer | e-mail: mike.bohan@yale.edu
Yale-New Haven Hospital | FAX: (203) 737-4252
20 York St. - WWW 204
New Haven, CT 06504