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Hello to all,
The Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation is in the process of requesting
an amendment to our license to allow on-site decay-in storage for those
radioisotopes with a half life less than 120 days. Presently our broad
scope license states that we using a TSD to handle this type waste.
WOuls any of you kind people out there be willing to share what you wrote
to the NRC to allow decay-in storage at your institute? That first word in
this paragraph should read would. Any and all help appreciated.
Todate I have written procedures on decay-in-storage waste pick-up, secured
the waste storage site, established monitoring procedures, and identification
method for the waste. Have I forgotten anything that needs to be in this
amendment. Our main reason for changing our license is the high cost of
waste disposal. Since we are a non-profit foundation we need to save some
money and not cut corners in the process.
Please respond to me. Thank you for your help in this matter. Typos due to
improper training on usage of the keyboard during secondary education.
Larry J. Hawkins
825 NE 13th
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Voice: (405)-271-7266
Fax: (405) 271-7012
E-mail: hawkinsl@cpu2.omrf.uokhsc.edu