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Check out hte March?April issue of RSO Magazine!

D. Gardner
Editor, RSO Magazine

At 02:32 PM 5/7/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Radsafers!
>I was wondering if any of you have a policy or a waiver statement that 
>each female radiation worker signs acknowledging that she understands the 
>new regulation about declaring herself as a pregnant radiation worker.
>Our Radiation Safety Committee wanted to know if there is some legal 
>wording we could use and we are checking with our Attorney General.
>Do you think this type of waiver is legal or necessary?
>Please respond to me directly at my email address: isakimot@hawaii.edu
>Thank you in advance!
>Irene Sakimoto
>University of Hawaii at Manoa
>Environmental Health and Safety Office
>2040 East-West Road
>Honolulu, HI  96822
>Phone: 808-956-6475
>FAX: 808-956-3205
>email: isakimot@hawaii.edu