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Air Crew Rad Workers
Before we ask if there should be federal law for or against something,
should we not ask if there is federal jurisdiction? I know that a flight
attendant goes on "interstate" paths, so the job has something to do with
interstate commerce. I doubt, however, this is the intent of the
interstate commerce clause of the Constitution. I believe the intent was
to give the federal government power over disputes between states. Most
of our laws don't take this into account, the power is usurped. A
popular debate is the minimum wage - what does it have to do with
interstate commerce? Without long stretches, this federal mandate cannot
be justified. The business with the flight attendants seems to be
getting into the realm of the silly, or the bored. We don't need new
laws that centralize more power.
These are opinions (duhh!!), so no nasty-grams please.