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Release of internally contaminated individuals from the RRA.

 Dear Radsafers, 
	I am currently gathering information on how other nuclear facilities 
release individuals from posted radiologically restricted areas.  
Specifically, those individuals who alarm PCMs or hand held friskers due to 
internal uptakes of radioactive material that happened previous to that entry. 
 Currently, individuals with unescorted access to our RRA have a current whole 
body count on file.  We use both a PCM-1a and PCM-2 from Eberline, for 
monitoring workers leaving the RRA.  
1. How do you quantify the activity and how often? 
2. How do you determine if the activity is internal or newly deposited 
3. How do you release these individuals from the RRA on a daily basis? 
Thank - You 
Jeff Hoffman 
Detroit Edison, Fermi 2 
Newport, Mi. USA 