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Re: Waste Disposal at Universities
>I am very interested in this information as well. Can you post on
>radsafe rather than to Kent personally? Thanks!
>I was wondering how other radiation safety offices at universities handle
>the cost of radioactive waste disposal. Here are the questions:
>1. At your facility, does the RSO pay for disposal and charge the
>researcher prorata based on volume generated?
No. The RSO pays and doesn't recharge.
>2. At your facility, does the researcher pay for the cost and the RSO only
> act as the facilitator by negotiating the contract with the broker,
> arranging for pick-ups, etc.
>3. At your facility, is waste disposal a part of the RSO budget?
> a. How does one encourage waste minimization?
I stress it in the training classes, and we cheerfully (now) use isotopes
with short enough half-lives that we can DIS most materials -- I125, P32 and
S35, e.g. Mostly, though, I tell the users, as part of their training, that
they will be required to minimize waste when they get on in their careers,
so they may as well start now.
> b. Does this encourage researchers to put expensive waste stream materials
> (e.g., chemical waste) that they are charged for into radioactive waste
> resulting in mixed waste?
We don't charge for chem waste mgt, either, so there's no incentive to do
any thing any way except the way I say is best, and I try to remain
sensitive to the mission of the educational/research programs.
>4. At your facility, does the RSO collect a surcharge for the purchase of
> long lived radioactive wastes as a mechanism to collect waste disposal
> costs?
No, but we don't do a lot of buying of these materials, either (we have a
healthy inventory left over from the way we used to do things, which
included a 40g PuBe howitzer). Rads are part of the education and general
budget, and for us, that works quite well.
Hope this helps.
*John DeLaHunt, EHS & RSO * 1125 Glen Avenue *
*The Colorado College * Colorado Springs, CO 80905*
*jdelahunt@cc.colorado.edu* VOX: (719)389-6678 *
* Owner: * FAX: (719)635-3177 *
*hazmat-l@cc.colorado.edu * *
****My opinions only, not those of Colorado College****