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Re: RSO Support
- To: "radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu" <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu> (Return requested) (Receipt notification requested)
- Subject: Re: RSO Support
- From: "Jack T Roque" <Jack.T.Roque@unilever.com>
- Date: 02 Jul 96 23:31:07 Z
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I am currently embroiled in discussion with Management regarding
the appropriate level of support to be given to the post of RSO.
I supervise ~38 users, under a 3M type of License, who conduct various
sorts of radio-investigations including nucleotide labeling.
I am looking for information from individuals, in Industry, responsible
for Programs of similar size, sort and scope concerning the nature and
structure of the RSO position and/or Radiation Safety Office.
For example, is the post an ancillary one and if so, how much devotion
is permitted to the effort? If full-time, how is the support staff
composed and what are their duties? Are periodic responsibilities
outsourced? Does a significant budget exist for the training of personnel?
Is the position provided as a service/support to Research sections or
contained within the same? What level or job class does the RSO and Staff
(ARSO) hold and to whom do they report? How well is the RSO compensated
and would Management's position on the role of RSO and/or Staff be
described as that of a caretaker or visionary?
Response to the questions provided or any other information which would
illuminate this area of concern would be greatly appreciated. Naturally,
direct all material to my attention.
If interested, forward a note and I'll send a compilation of replies.
Before I forget, this message should be received and considered duly
Thank you,
Jack T. Roque, RSO