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Concrete Demolition

      Radiological Engineering (bst@inel.gov)
      6-1279  MS 4138  FAX 6-8959  Pager 5841
Kurt, you might want to checkout the Dustless Decon System (DDS) manufactured
by Pentek, Inc. of Coraopolis, PA.  The system costs about $36,000. The unit
was evaluated by Michael Simmons of Rocky Flats 4/8/93.  The system
is comprised of three components: a manually controlled piston device known as
a scrabbler, a manually controlled needle gun, and a vacuum system.  The
scrabbler is used in large-scale decontamination operations that involve
pulverization of coated floor and concrete substrates. Please notify me if
if you want further information.

*** Reply to note of 07/17/96 09:03

From: Kurt Geber

Subject: Concrete Demolition
Does anybody in radsafe have experience controlling airborne contamination
generated by an electric jack hammer?  We're planning to use a "Bosch
electric breaker hammer" to decontaminate about 15 sq. ft. of Cs-137 and
Sr-90 contaminated concrete inside a building.  Based on core sample results
we're going to remove the top  1" from a 12" thick slab.  Of course we'll be
using respitory protection, but we don't want spread contamination to the
adjacent lesser contaminated areas so we want some engineered control for
the dust. I really don't have time to experiment on clean concrete with
various size HEPA vacs.  Any practical advice is appreciated.  Thanks in

        Kurt R. Geber
        Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corp.
        Oak Ridge National Laboratory
        P.O. Box 2008
        Oak Ridge, TN  37831-6160

        Internet:       kg1@ornl.gov
        Phone:          423-574-0929
        Fax:            423-241-2779