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Re: Dose conversion factors for external irradiation

At 08:28 AM 7/22/96 -0500, Jean-Michel Mure wrote:
>Hello Radsafers,
>Could someone among the dosimetry specialists indicate me a reference
>document where I could find readily useable dose conversion factors for
>external irradiation (gamma, beta) from :
>- a contaminated surface
>- immersion in air
>- immersion in water
>I have got a list of conversion factors for 240 radionuclides from Kocher
>(1980) but is not exhaustive and it might have been revised since then. Is
>there an ICRP publication related to that topic like there is one for
>ingestion and inhalation dose conversion factors (ICRP68) ?
>Thanks in advance.
Federal Guidance Report No.12 prepared by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
for the Environmental Protection Agency has the dose coefficients you need.
The dose coefficients are also available as ASCII files from the Radiation
Shielding Information Center (RSIC) at ORNL.  The name and title of the data
library package are DLC-167/FGR-DOSE, Dose Coefficients from Federal
Guidance Reports 11 and 12.  Requests must include the name of the package
and should be addressed to:
Radiation Shielding Information Center
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
PO Box 2008
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362

Phone:  423-574-6176
FAX:    423-574-6182

Internet:  PDC@ORNL.GOV


	Kurt R. Geber
	Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corp.
	Oak Ridge National Laboratory
	P.O. Box 2008
	Oak Ridge, TN  37831-6160

	Internet:	kg1@ornl.gov
	Phone:		423-574-0929
	Fax:		423-241-2779