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Anyone seen this? -Reply

In reply to Mark Winslow; 

I have encountered milled zirconium oxide in the form of "zircon sand".  The material contained
less than 0.05% Th and therefore no license required.  Dose rates from 100 lb bags were on
the order of what you described (25-50 microR/hr).  Also in the mix were traces of uranium and
radium.  The stuff was manufactured in Buffalo NY for use as a refractory material  in ceramics

Todd Jackson CHP
NRC Region I 
My opinion only- disclaimed, etc
I've got a site in Northwestern NY.  The site was an old metals milling operations.  At this site
near some welding equipment we found ten 25 gal. cardboard fiber packs with the following

Zirconium Oxide, Calcium Oxide,
Hafnium Oxide

These packs were radioactive, and read about 50 micro rem on the out side of the packs. 
(Using the Bicron micro rem meter.)  I know the Hafnium or NORM, but does anyone have an
idea what a metal milling operation would be using this stuff for? Or what are the hazards
associated with the material?

Mark Winslow - US EPA - Region II winslow.mark@epamail.epa.gov