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re: NRC Proposal
- To: " - (052)radsafe(a)romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu"<radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
- Subject: re: NRC Proposal
- From: MVala@USCCMAIL.uscc.bms.com
- Date: Fri, 09 Aug 1996 11:13:15 -0500
- X400-Content-Type: P2-1988 (22)
- X400-Mts-Identifier: [/PRMD=BRIMYSQ/ADMD=MARK400/C=US/;0004700006257872000002]
- X400-Originator: MVala@USCCMAIL.uscc.bms.com
- X400-Recipients: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
The NRC has proposed this 10 mrem per year limit for air effluent in
10 CFR 20.1101(d) as an "ALARA requirement". The NRC even has a draft
reg guide (DG-8016) to assist licensees in complying with this
proposed reg. I don't believe this proposal has been adopted yet.
I think this sets a dangerous precident. This implies that ten
millrem from the inhalation pathway is more dangerous than 10 mrem
from any other pathway. From what I heard, this is the only way the
NRC could get the EPA to rescind Subpart I of NESHAPS. I think we
will be forced to accept the ten mrem air effluent limit, the only
question is who do you want to deal with; NRC or EPA ?
Mike Vala
These are only my opions, not those of my employer...
Date: Fri, 09 Aug 96 09:40:03 EST
From: azapantis@MGDESTMX01.ERIN.GOV.AU
Subject: NRC Proposal
Dear Radsafers
I have heard that the NRC has a proposal before it which states that
the effective dose to members of the public from non-nuclear power
facilities due to atmospheric release of radionuclides is to be less
than 10mrem per year.
Does anyone know if this proposal has been approved?? Any other
would also be appreciated.
Many thanks
Alex Zapantis
Office of the Supervising Scientist
email: azapantis@dest.gov.au