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re: Western Power Outage Thread
- To: " - (052)radsafe(a)romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu"<radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
- Subject: re: Western Power Outage Thread
- From: MVala@USCCMAIL.uscc.bms.com
- Date: Thu, 15 Aug 1996 10:50:17 -0500
- X400-Content-Type: P2-1988 (22)
- X400-Mts-Identifier: [/PRMD=BRIMYSQ/ADMD=MARK400/C=US/;0004700006317680000002]
- X400-Originator: MVala@USCCMAIL.uscc.bms.com
- X400-Recipients: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
This tread started out with the question of whether the availability
of nuclear power in the western states had anything to do with the
recent power outage suffered by the area. It lead to replies about
the characteristics of gas and coal fired plants and now we're talking
about retail wheeling and deregulation of the utilities.
IMHO, all of this has nothing to do with radiation safety or
protection which is what this forum is about. Please kill this thread
or take it someplace else.
Mike Vala