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Re: Intermediate Level Waste

In the U.S., there is no "intermediate level waste" category.  There is:  (1)  
hi level waste - spent fuel and reprocessing products (if we ever reprocess), 
(2) transuranic waste, and (3) low level waste - everything else.  How do you 
define the intermediate category? 
Bill Lipton 
The opinions expressed are strictly mine. 

G'day radsafers

A quick question seeking a quick answer;-

What do YOU do with your intermediate-level waste and what is the ultimate fate
of YOUR intermediate-level waste??

Actually, that was two questions!!


Alex Zapantis
Environmental Radiation Officer
Office of the Supervising Scientist
40 Blackall Street

Email: azapantis@dest.gov.au
Phone: (int+) 61 6 274 1642
Fax : (int+) 61 6 274 1519