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Where to find RADDECAY
There have been some requests for the addresses of Web pages or ftp
sites from which RADDECAY can be downloaded. I'll pass along what I
RADDECAY 2.01 can be found on
1) the Walnut Creek CDROM _Scientific and Technical Library CDROM_
2) Bruce Busby's Radiation Protection Home Page at
3) the Software via the Internet Web Page at
http://nucmed.jr2.ox.ac.uk/soft.html (this site was pretty slow)
I am using RADDECAY 2.02, but don't recall where I got it.
The Radiation Shielding Information Center (RSIC) at ORNL is currently
distributing RADDECAY 4.02, which would appear to be significantly
upgraded from ver. 2.0x. The ver. 4.02 code abstract is available from
General information about RSIC, including how to order software, can be
found at
For those without Web access, RSIC can be reached by email to
pdc@ornl.gov or to Bernadette Kirk at blk@ornl.gov or by calling
(423) 574-6176.
Grove Engineering, the original developer of RADDECAY, has released ver.
1.0 for Windows, which is based on ver. 5.02 for DOS. This version
appears to have improvements in the areas I complained about in my
original posting describing ver. 2.02. Grove can reached at (301) 258-
2727 or by fax at (301) 330-5462.
I am assuming, without actually knowing, that there is some sort of
service charge for obtaining ver. 4.02 from RSIC and that ver. 5.02 for
DOS and 1.0 for Windows are being sold as proprietary software by Grove
I dug up a lot of this information by using the Alta Vista Web Search
Engine at
to search the Web for the strings "RADDECAY" and "RSIC".
Best regards.
Jim Dukelow
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Richland, WA