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Re: coordination with NRC - opinion
The power reactor community has, for the most part, had a
very beneficial dialogue with the NRC regulatory branches,
through the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) and its predecessor,
NUMARC. This has not always been the case though. In the past the NRC
had deemed it "sleeping with the enemy" whenever discussions occurred
between regulator and the regulated. It was generally not accepted to
discuss with or accept recommendations for those that the NRC
regulated. The first breakthrough occurred back in the early 90s with the draft
10 CFR Part 20 discussions with members of the industry as part of the
Atomic Industrial Forum (AIF).
Over the years the NRC and the industry have reached a level where
common interests can be achieved, and that can only be better for the
entire nuclear industry, for without a nuclear program, the NRC could
very well go the way of the buggy whip. Necessary, but only in its