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Looking for Michael Ocasio


It seems to be my week to look for people!  Anybody heard of 
Michael Ocasio who is the RSO and Health Physicist at the VA Medical Center
in San Diego.

It's too bad people don't add their contact points when they 
E-mail :(


| H   H   M       M   L	       Gary H. Kramer  		              |
| H   H   MM     MM   L        Head, Human Monitoring Laboratory      |
| H   H   M M   M M   L	       Canadian National Calibration Reference|
| H   H   M  M M  M   L	       Centre for In-Vivo Monitoring          |
| HHHHH   M   M   M   L	       775 Brookfield Road, Ottawa, Ontario   |
| H   H   M       M   L	       CANADA K1A 1C1			      |
| H   H   M       M   L	       Tel: 613 954 6668;  Fax 613 957 1089   |
| H   H   M       M   LLLLLLL  GKRAMER@HPB.HWC.CA	              |
|     http://www.hwc.ca/dataehd/English/rpb/environ/index.htm         |