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Methods of measurement for discharges/em
Vattenfall AB Sweden (former State Power Board) would appreciate
answers to the following questions:
1) Are the administrative limits for release of radionuclides for your
plant (during normal operation) in Bq or dose?
1a) Which are the administrative or practical lower limit for the half-life
of the nuclides reported?
2) Do you measure noble gases on-line?
2a) If yes, do you measure gross beta or gamma spectrum?
2b) For how long time do you acquire a spectrum?
2c) If you do not measure noble gases on-line, how do you sample
or analyze? Grab samples or integrated samples? Integration time?
Delay time between sampling and analysis?
2d) What are the detection limits in your measurements?
3) If your data are below the detection limit - how do you report to
the authorities, detection limit or zero?
4) Do you measure carbon-14?
Thank you very much for your support.
----------------->>>>>>>>>>Anna Maria Blixt <<<<<<<--------------------
Information contact via e-mail: