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Re: RADSAFE digest 1059
Regarding Bill Shadt's "As the Radioactive World Turns"
The story out of Suffolk County reminded me of Robin Cook's novel
Acceptable Risk. You Radsafers may have already discussed this before I
joined, but if not, it's a medical suspense novel with a "hot" bed for
those whose medical history does not appear profitable to the HMO.
Date: Tue, 03 Sep 96 13:07:59 -0500
From: Bill Schadt <schadt@gnn.com>
Subject: Criminal Activities
-- [ From: Bill Schadt * EMC.Ver #2.5.03 ] --
Dear RadSafers especially those in Suffolk County New York and at Brookhaven
This message must start with an admission -- I am curious and would like to
know more details about the following which appeared in the July/August
issue of RSO (page 8):
"Two Individuals Charged with Conspiracy to Commit Murder Involving
Radioactive Material (Radium)
Barbara and Richard Price ....................... asa@ime.net or
ASA, PO Box 17533, Portland ME 04223-8533 ................... 207-829-6376
http://www.asanltr.com ............................. or http:// www.ime.net/asa