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Re: Dose rate in outerspace?


So, for those of us without www at the moment  :-)  what's the answer (rough,
range; formal nasa estimate, or "informed guess") for Shannon Lucid for 6
months (without depending on knowing how many times she traversed the SAA  

Regards, Jim Muckerheide
> You might want to try the following URL:
>  http://medlib.jsc.nasa.gov/intro/radiation.html 
> Summary: A large percentage of the radiation dosage astronauts receive in low
> earth orbit occurs during passage throught eh South Atlantic Anomoly (SAA).
> In a loose sense there is an anomaly in the Northern Hemisphere, because
> while the inner belt is closest to the surface above the South Atlantic,
> it's consequently farthest away from the surface above the North Pacific.
> At 01:38 PM 9/22/96 -0500, you wrote:
> >
> >This question goes out to anyone who knows more than me.  (Which is probably 
> >all 1550 list subscribers)  I am curious about Shannon Lucid, the 
> >astronaut-scientist.  She has been in orbit around terra firma aboard the 
> >Russian Mir space station, for what will be a record setting 188 day flight.  
> >I do not have any information at my finger tips for dose rates in space.  
> >Please do not spend hundreds of hours researching this for me as the 
> >information is only requested for personal knowledge quenching.  Paul, you 
> >needn't spend your time on this. 
> >                                                       Thank-You 
> >                                                       Jeff Hoffman    
> >  
> >Newport, Mi USA 
> >HoffmanJ@DetroitEdison.Com 
> >1 (313) 586-1620
> >
> >
> >
> **************************** /^\   /^\ *********************************
> Tad  Blanchard              /__ \ /___\    NASA-Goddard Space Flt Ctr 
> Nat'l Health Svc, Inc            O             Greenbelt, Maryland     
> Sr Health Physics Tech          / \            Phone: 301-286-9157     
>                                /___\                                   
>                   Tad.M.Blanchard.1@GSFC.NASA.gov                   
> ************************************************************************