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Re: Need for whole body film badges ?

A question directed particularly toward University RSO's, but along the same 
lines as below.  What is your dosimetry policy regarding providing 
individual whole-body dosimeters for researchers who operate only x-ray 
diffraction units?  Given the extremely collimated, highly directional, 
small cross sectional area of the x-ray beam, does hanging a whole-body 
dosimetry on an x-ray diffraction unit operator provide any useful 
information?  REGARDS
>	For those involved in University type settings involving solution
>chemistry with isotopes - Do you provide whole body badges for personnel
>in the lab using P-32 ?  Our department is looking into whether or not
>these badges are needed.  TLDs worn on the finger are required at our
>facility and occasionally return results in the range of 250 - 450 mrem in
>a 30 day period.  Off the top of our heads we question the need for whole
>body film badges.  Thank you for your help and comments.
>steve at UMCP
David W. Lee
Radiation Protection Policy
& Programs Analysis Group (ESH-12)
Los Alamos National Laboratory
PO Box 1663, MS K483
Los Alamos, NM  87545
Ph:  (505) 667-8085
FAX: (505) 667-9726