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Re: Q: dose from airport x-ray?
Forgot to add these. Some common data for dose comparisons:
Airplane ride (39,000 ft.) 0.500 mR/hr
Nuclear Power Plant (normal operation 0.600 mR/yr
at plant boundary)
Weapons Fallout < 1 mR/yr
Building materials (concrete) 3 mR/yr
Drinking Water 5 mRem/yr
Coast to coast Airplane roundtrip 5 mRem/RT
Chest x-ray 5 - 20 mRem/exp
Pocket watch (radium dial) 6 mRem/yr
Eyeglasses (containing thorium) 6 - 11 mR/yr
Natural gas in home 9 mRem/yr
Sandy Perle
Director, Technical Operations
ICN Dosimetry Services Division
Phone: (800) 548-5100 Ext. 2306
FAX: (714) 668-3149
Telex: 68-55-80
E-mail: sandyfl@ix.netcom.com