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Re: Radon Screening
We have a similar problem at our site. We have not found any
instrument that can differentiate between radon and other
contamination reliably. Eberline PCM-2 has an algorithm which is
supposed to differentiate between the two by taking the alpha to beta
ratio, but it cannot be use at locations where the uranium series is
present as it may falsely clear someone due to the similarity in the
alpha beta ratios between radon progeny and the uranium series. The
instrument that has worked well for us is the SAIC AP-2. This is a
hand held alpha spectrometer. With properly defined regions of
interest we can tell if the contamination is the result of radon
progeny or U contamination. The instrument is quite rugged but does
not work well in wet environments as it uses a Canberra PIPs detector.
Typically after the worker alarms a contamination monitor or frisker.
The alarmed area is checked with the AP-2 operating in the count mode.
As a side note I am still interested in knowing if Task OP 032-5,
"Test and Calibration of Radiation Protection Instrumentation has been
issued as a REG Guide and if so what is its number.