Jim Muckerheide said:
>We need to leave the education of the public aside til we can educate
our managements and agencies, and the "scientists", and hp's who don't
have the necessary biology or history.<
I agree with this statement to some degree, however, if we wait until
the pre-requisities are attained, the youth of today will be dead and
gone and we'll (not us obviously) be addressing the generations
hundreds of years from now. It continues to amaze me that our
"government officials" and Managers, those who have the least
knowledge and expertise, are the very same individuals tasked with
formulating regulations and policy. These individuals for the most
part have never run a program, never conducted a survey, never processed
a dosimeter aand never performed a dose reconstruction, and obvioulsy
have never performed any statistical calculations. They rely on
theory .. and hell will freeze over before they acknowledge that
sometimes theories need to be amended.
So, there are many obstacles to overcome, and most of them are the
ones that the public most trusts. That is a dangerous and unfortunate
Sandy Perle
Director, Technical Operations
ICN Dosimetry Services Division
Phone: (800) 548-5100 Ext. 2306
FAX: (714) 668-3149
Telex: 68-55-80
E-mail: sandyfl@ix.netcom.com