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Re: Novel explanations of radiation
Please post name, author, author's affiliation and publisher of this book.
Bob Hearn
At 03:46 PM 10/28/96 -0600, you wrote:
>Recently, a number of books on radiation have been recommended for
>reading. There are others that have not.
>In a 1995 book on NORM, a geologist author begins a discussion of
>radiation units as follows:
> "It would appear that radiation units have been designed by
> scientists to mollify, obviate, and generally create a fog of
> confusion for their fellow scientists and the public at large.
> This conspiracy was developed to conceal the fact that scientists
> do not want their colleagues to know that they don't know much
> about radiation. The reason they don't know much about radiation
> is that all good scientists watched late night movies on
> television and discovered that Marie Curie was maimed and died of
> an overdose of radiation. These young, impressionable scientists
> thought twice about the hazards of radiation research, so they
> devised a clever curtain of conspiracy laced with confounding
> nomenclature. This may be a small exaggeration, but brings forth
> the following simple diabolical truth." (pp.68-69)
>The author then goes on in the chapter to explain the relationships
>between the curie, rad, RBE, rem, gray, and sievert (and the Hubble
>constant!), such as:
> "The biological units, rad and rem, are related to the curie and
> the roentgen through a series of "fudge" factors." (p.70)
> "One roentgen per minute (rpm) is equal to about 1 Curie or
> 3.7x10^10 disintegrations per second... Disintegrations per
> minute are roughly equivalent to counts per minute." (pp.72-73)
>The author closes the chapter with an example calculation of dose rates
>over a period of several minutes (with an answer of "74.95 uR total
>dose") by noting:
> "Hopefully, the reader is not in total disarray and brain dead
> by now." (p.78)
>Well, at least not from the radiation...
>Richard G. Strickert, Ph.D | "Errors using inadequate data
>Radian International, Austin, TX | are much less than those using
>512-310-5259, FAX 512-244-0160 | no data at all."
>Internet: Rick_Strickert@radian.com | - Charles Babbage (1792-1871)
> ---> "All written IMHO." <--- |