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Re: NRC Licensing of Am-241
Douglas Gossen wrote:
> If I understand you correctly, you are saying that I can have 5 check
> sources of Co-60 each containing .7uCi, because the the exempt quantity for
> Co-60 is 1 uCi. If this is what you are saying you better clairify this
> with the NRC. I recently had to sent a check source of Co-60 back to the
> supplier because another department in the college thought they could buy an
> exempt check source with no problem. The problem was that it put us over
> the exempt quantity limit. Until I add Co-60 to our licenses I had to sent
> the exept quantity back to the supplier.
Douglass, you did not have to send back the exempt Co-60 sources, even
though the NRC inspector may have said so. To reiterate, a person in an
NRC regulated state may acquire any number of individual exempt
quantities without the need to obtain a license. There is no limit.
Did the NRC reference any NRC regulation??? It is quite clear in the
NRC regs that this is so.
Cheers, Wes
Wesley R. Van Pelt, Ph.D., CIH, CHP KF2LG
President, Van Pelt Assoc., Inc. vanpeltw@mail.idt.net
Consulting in radiological health and safety.
"TIME, its what keeps everything from happening at once."