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Radionuclide impurities in Therapeutic Dosages
A colleague has enquired as to what levels of radionuclide impurities
would be acceptable in radiopharmaceuticals of therapeutic dosage
magnitudes. An alternate way of phrasing his question would be "what
level of unwanted absorbed dose or equivalent dose is acceptable due
to contaminating trace impurities in a radiopharmaceutical?"
The application is that some radioisotopes for pharceuticals can be
chemically extracted from high level radioactive waste and might
contain impurities such as Cs-137, Pu isotopes, uranium isotopes, etc.
Obviously the impurity should be a negligible contributor to the total
dose from the agent - but does anyone care to offer an opinion on what
that percentage or absolute magnitude might be? I am unaware of any
pertinent FDA guidance or any other guidance on this particular
Thanks in advance.
Gene Carbaugh
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory