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Nonionizing Radiation Training

Final Call

The AZ Chapter of HPS is sponsoring the presentation of Rockwell Laser 
Industries "Control of Non-ionizing Radiation" on January 6,7,8, 1997.

The tuition cost for individuals affiliated with HPS is $375.
The tuition cost for individuals otherwise professionally affiliated is $425.
The tuition cost for unaffiliated individuals is $500.

A block of rooms has been reserved at the federal per deim rate.
( This was a very tricky thing to arrange in Phoenix in January. )
This equates to $96.00 inclusive.
( As compared to the government rate of $149 non-inclusive.) 

There will be a dinner meeting of AZ HPS on Wednesday, January 8, 1997 in 
conjunction with this training event. ( At cost. )

Room availability is limited and the reduced rate is only available 
through November 8, 1996.

Seating is limited.


Bill Pitchford<wpitch4d@imap2.asu.edu>
Radiation Protection Facility
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona 85287-3501

(602)965-6140 VOICE

(602 965-6609 FAX