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Re: Linear Hypothesis IS the Cause of P

John Moulder wrote:
This is not to imply that the applicability of LNT in the above is
> only to point out that this thinking is not limited to ionizing radiation.

You are absolutely correct currently.  However, the LNTH was thought up
by the ICRP and NCRP long before the Delaney amendment.  I wonder if
those who drafted the Delaney amendment knew about the LNTH for
radiation.  It would be interesting to know if they did and then used
the same philosophy.  Also, it would be interesting to know if those who
drafted current legislation and regulations that have no "threshold"
patterned them after the radiation LNTH.  Is the radiation lNTH the
mother of all other LNTHs?  Does anyone out there have any data on these
items?  Al Tschaeche xat@inel.gov