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Re: Linear Hypothesis IS the Cause of P -Reply -Reply
- To: RADSAFE <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu> (IPM Return requested)
- Subject: Re: Linear Hypothesis IS the Cause of P -Reply -Reply
- From: "Merritt, Kim D" <kdmerri@sandia.gov>
- Date: 07 Nov 1996 08:38:45 -0700
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- X400-Originator: kdmerri@sandia.gov
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With regards to the potential candidates to replace Hazel, Rep. Bill
Richardson (D) of New Mexico is a hot runner. From my experience as NM
resident he has done alot of work in support of the Nat'l Labs and does not
seem predisposed to abandon all things nuclear. Remember that his home
state is greatly dependent on atomic things. As far as educating the
journalists I think the ones that are working already are beyond reach.
Educating the kids in school is a kind of preemptive strike against future
anti's. IMHO only.
Kim Merritt, RRPT
Sandia National Labs
"Have no fear for atomic energy..."-Bob Marley
From: (Alden Tschaeche)
To: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
Subject: Re: Linear Hypothesis IS the Cause of P -Reply -Reply
Date: Thursday, November 07, 1996 07:54
Bob Boston wrote:
> Let's not bemoan the fact that no one is going to pay to educate the
> public. Let's just get out and do it.
I did not intend my statement to "bemoan the fact that no one is going
to pay to educate the public." What I meant to say was: the antis paid
a lot to "educate" the journalists 25 years ago. Someone, NEI perhaps,
should do the same thing now to "educate" the journalists, not the
public, to our way of thinking. I, too, educate the public at every
opportunity, in schools, by writing letters to the editor, my elected
representatives, talking to friends, the rotary, etc. But, we need a
concerted effort to get at the budding journalists in their schools.
That takes money.
You are right about the lack of federal support for things nuclear in
the next 4 years. Whoever Clinton appoints to replace O'Leary will be
worse for us than she was, I fear. But enough of this - back to radsafe
topics. Al Tschaeche xat@inel.gov