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Educating Journalists
REGARDING Educating Journalists
Sometime ago, I came across a small book (only 50 pages) entitled The
Journalist's Guide to Nuclear Energy which was published through the U.S.
Council for Energy Awareness and written by E. Edelson, a scientific
journalist. The second edition, of which I have a copy, was published in
1988, three years after the first. I am not aware if there have been
subsequent editions or even if the organization still exists. Although
dedicated primarily to reactors, the book does address radiation, waste
management, accidents, and transportation. I have found this reference to be
useful and from my perspective factual without getting into too much technical
jargon and detail.
For what it may be worth, the address on the back of the book is:
U.S. Council for Energy Awareness
Suite 400
1776 I Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20006-2495