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Simulated gas standards
Hi all
Earlier this year our laboratory purchased 2 4-litre marinelli
simulated gas standards for calibrating our detectors. We
deliberately purchased them from 2 different vendors (in the USA) as
we thought it would be desirable from a QC point of view.
Unfortunately, they do not agree well with each other and we of
course do not know which one we should use to perform our
calibrations. The one is about 15% higher than the other one, over
the whole energy range.
Obviously I'm not going to name the vendors on this list, but they
both claim to be NIST-traceable.
Has anyone on the list ever experienced anything like this? Can
anyone suggest some tests which we could perform to get to the bottom
of this?
Andrew Welsh
Chemistry Development Section
Koeberg Nuclear Power Station
Private Bag X10
South Africa
Tel: +27 (0)21 5504298
Fax: +27 (0)21 5505117
E-mail: welsha@kbpnfs01.eskom.co.za