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S-35 Volatility
The largest issue with S-35 volatility is incubation or autocalving. There
is some possibility of release/volatility when opening a stock bottle.
Primarily this is for products that are at or over the chemical expiration
date due to decay of the chemical compound. There is also some potential
for a newly opened package to have a pressure build-up due to radiolytic
decay. This 'release' may be a small fraction of one percent of the bottle
We have had occassion to do monitoring in a S-35 use lab that has low
ceilings (8 foot) that also is where the autoclaving is done. These
measurements indicate that there may be some S-35 in the area but less than
1/1000 for the non-occupational DAC.
Joseph P. Ring
Harvard University
46 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA 02138-1995
Tel 617 495-8795
FAX 617 495-0593
Email Joseph_ring@harvard.edu