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re: ionization chambers, micro rem meters, etc.

> What kind of operations involving radionuclides could result in a
 need to monitor beta dose rates and would not already limit access to
 the area by non-radiation workers due to contamination concerns?
 Maybe I spent too much time in the nuclear power community, but I
 couldn't think of anything. If there is, I would appreciate a reply<

Your assumption is correct, as I see it. Considering the SDE 
regulatory limit of 50 rem/yr, there really exists no occasion for 
this scenario to be true. Even considering 100% inhalation of all 
contaminants .. it just isn't possible.. If this isn't the case, I 
too would be interested in probable scenarios where this concern is 

Sandy Perle
Director, Technical Operations
ICN Dosimetry Division
Office: (800) 548-5100 Ext. 2306 
Fax: (714) 668-3149

E-Mail: sandyfl@ix.netcom.com