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Re: Russian space probe hysteria!

Hi John,

I had in mind the death of one of the 1000s of persons who have worked
with/inhaled Pu over the last 50 years, perhaps including weapons tests and
the Palomare Spain dispersal accident "still dangerous...in the right
circumstances" implies evidence of consequences in applicable circumstances.
:-)  Was just wondering about such evidence.  


Regards, Jim Muckerheide
Radiation, Science, and Health, Inc.
> >> >Hysteria seems to be worldwide ...  More "deadly" plutonium 
> >> >concerns... 
> >> 
> >> To be fair, Pu-238 is _still_ one of the most dangerous elements known, in
> >> the right circumstances -- such as inhalation.  Right?
> >
> >Is there a reference for this? 
> There are 90 (or so) elements that are either naturally occuring or
> artificial with half-lives that allow them still to be present when you get
> back from lunch.  For Pu to be one of the most (maybe in the top 10%)
> dangerous, there have to be 8 other elements that are more dangerous --
> which term, in itself, may need qualification.  Let's say toxic and/or
> carcinogenic by inhalation, gram for gram.  I can't think of more than three
> or four that might even be in the running.
> So, from a hand-wavy perspective, and by being specific enough to exclude
> botulism toxin and cyanide by stating _element_, and by being specific about
> the definition of "dangerous" to exclude hydrogen in mass quantities
> (Hindenburg, q.v.), tritium in mass quantities (fusion bombs, q.v.), tired
> hucksterism about oxygen (an atmosphere of 0.00001 ppm will kill, e.g.),
> etcetera, the statement makes intuitive sense.
> Doesn't it?
> John
> *******************************************************
> *John DeLaHunt, EHS & RSO * 1125 Glen Avenue          *
> *The Colorado College     * Colorado Springs, CO 80905*
> *jdelahunt@cc.colorado.edu* VOX:  (719)389-6678       *
> *        Owner:           * FAX:  (719)635-3177       *
> *hazmat-l@cc.colorado.edu *                           *
> *******************************************************
> ****My opinions only, not those of Colorado College****