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Relocation of dosimetry service

WARNING:    This is somewhat lengthy and is regarding the consolidation of
ICN with the (former) Siemens Dosimetry.  It is being posted to Radsafe as we
believe this to be of value to most Radsafers.  

As a large number of radsafers are now ICN's customers, we would like to
advise that effective November 8, the Siemens facility has been relocated to
Costa Mesa California.  

To update you on what has occurred, ICN purchased the Siemens dosimetry group
on July 18.  It was moved out of the Illinois facility on November 8.  During
the interim period of July 18 to November 8,  all services received for  the
(former) Siemens customers  were performed by the same existing Siemens
management  (as existed prior to the sale) along with the same processing and
mis personnel that have always provided your badges and reports. Customer
service was relocated in August with the same 800 number. There were  had
phone difficulties the 1st 3 days and we had lots of  complaints those 3
days.  Customer service response levels are now  measured electronically and
have and will continue to dramatically improve.  

Therefore. the service  -good or poor-  was under the direction of the same
Siemens personnel as prior to ICN purchasing the group.  I believe  going
forward that all users will be very pleased with the service ICN personnel
will provide and ask that you give ICN a chance to prove service will be
better than you received previously.  I can state, without a doubt, that the
technical quality and support will be superior under the direction of the
Technical Director of both the combined dosimetry service, Sandy Perle, along
with the expanded ICN technical staff.  Beginning in December, you will see a
more than noticable improvement in response time under the complete control
of the ICN  team.  

I have been the director of ICN Dosimetry since 1978..way before NVLAP..when
there were more than several small companies doing less than technically
sound dosimetry.  With regulations, the business has been sorted down to a
few who must at least have the same technical standards.  All that (quality)
being somewhat equal, service is what customers as yourselves demand.  It is
my opinion that if  a commercial processor (ICN or Brand X) cannot service
your account to your standards-we don't deserve your business.  Please bear
with ICN until after this consolidation and evaluate our service under ICN
management and employees.  If you have any criticism after that, email me
 (sanzzzz@aol.com) or call (800-251-3331) or page me (714-266-7776)
immediately.....our team will work with you to eliminate the cause of concern
as fast as possible.

ICN has  had very positive additions to our staff:

Sandy Perle (formerly of  FP&L) (MS Radiological Physics, BS Chemistry)
joined ICN in September as Director of Technical Operations of  the combined
business and Technical Director of the ICN processes. Sandy is now the
Technical Director of the combined business and replaces the Siemens
Technical Director (who decided to leave ICN to pursue his career (as he
stated to me  preferably in a smaller business atmosphere -ICN  will be a
Billion Dollar in 97--way big.)  Sandy is a well-known, foremost expert in
dosimetry with about 20+ years experience.  He is also a Technical Expert for
NVLAP.  The quality of the programs will continue to improve under his

Joel White (formerly of Diablo Canyon & LLL) (ME Nuclear Engineering, BS
Nuclear Engineering) joins us in December as Technical Manager of the
combined business.  Joel also has over 20+ years experience in dosimetry.

Richard Oswald, Ph.D. (Ph.D in Medical Physics, MS Radiological Physics, BS
Physics) joined ICN in April 96 as Director of Sales and Marketing.  He also
bring 20+ years experience in Dosimetry, having started with a commercial
processor setting up their CR39 processes 20 years ago.  He also set up and
headed Brand X's UK operation in fairly recent history.  So, even our Sales
and Marketing is extremely technically oriented to this business.
Their will be changes during the next several months, mostly to software and
definitely an improvement over the system users are currently on. No product
changes are anticipated except for the film area.  This is being evaluated
for a
consolidation to the most accurate, quality system.  We will retain both the
Harshaw TLD system from Siemens and the Panasonic system currently offered by
ICN.  So, rather than product changes, there will be product selection.

I believe this covers everything---probably more than some really wanted
to know!  However, based on reports by you, our customers, of receiving
misinformation, fabrications, innuendos, phone calls and/or chats during
visits  that  "they don't know what they're doing"  "They only service
dentists (absolutely not true)", "They're going to give you bad service" ,
etc....we (the New ICN Team) felt it necessary to advise everyone of the REAL
facts.  We  do not and will not stoop to participate in Competitor Bashing.
We ask to be measured on our results!

Sandi Nemecek
Director, Dosimetry Business Unit
ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
ICN Plaza
3300 Hyland Avenue
Costa Mesa, CA  92626
714-545-0100 ext. 2297
Fax:  714-668-3149
Page: 714-266-7776
email: sanzzzz@aol.com

"Expect the best and accept no less"