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Radon Abatement -Reply

A message from David Proctor was forwarded to RADSAFE in which he
said (in part):
> What I have is an office area where, with short
>term testing, we have measure radon levels (EPA Protocol avg.) of 5.5
>to 7.7.  What is reasonable to do with these levels of readings?  Is
>evacuation of the area really needed before abatement is completed?  

Rusty Lorenzen correctly pointed out that the radon concentration is to
be calculated from  a long term measurement or an average of multiple
short term measurements.  Viewed from a slightly different angle,  the
EPA recommendation that a long term (eg 1 year) measurement follow a
screening measurement above 4 pCi per liter implies that the EPA is not 
overly concerned about a one year exposure (at least for concentrations
not greatly exceeding the guideline). Furthermore, one spends a
significantly greater time at home than at the office (those of us with a
life anyway).

But, far more specific guidance can be found in EPA's "Radon Reduction
Techniques for Detached Houses" EPA/625/5-87/019 1988 second
edition. The following summarizes their "Recommended Urgency of
Radon Reduction Efforts as a Function of Initial Radon Level" 

200 pCi/l or above: action to reduce levels within several weeks after
measurement. If action not possible, consult with appropriate state or
local officials to determine if temporary relocation is appropriate.

20 - 200 pCi/l: reduce levels within several months.

4 - 20: Action within a few years  (sooner towards the upper end of this

The reference these came from is relatively old, but if the EPA has
newer recommendations, I doubt they are significantly different from the
ones cited above. I pass this along, not because I've analyzed the matter
carefully and agree with the EPA, but because the EPA's
recommendations might carry the most clout with powers that be at your


Paul Frame
Professional Training Programs