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Re: PR-179 NRC Certifies Two Standardized Reactor Design

This ruling addresses standardized plant designs which have
been proposed for about 15 years. For instance, if Bob's
Utility wants to build a new plant, they can choose a standard
design and not have to go through the ENTIRE process of
multiple PSARs and FSARs that can last a very long time.
Obviously the licensing process is still encompassing, but
choosing a standard design answers many safety questions in
advance of other hearings.

The drawback to standard designs are many. A 4000 MWt plant is
really big - huge components, lots of heat, big hot stuff
moving and rattling. They are more expensive than your steady
rolling 1800 MWt plant. (BTW, commercial plants are limited to
5000 MWt I believe, a somewhat arbitrary number, but valid in
retrospect). So, the problem? If your standard plant is 1300 MWe
and is built to withstand flood, fire, famine and earth
movement - that is what you get. Say you want to put it in the
desert and flood and earthquake really isn't your concern, too
bad, you get it and you have to pay for it. It is not a la
carte design and components, and that is what people will
continue to want.

I do think that standard plant designs are long overdue -
however, their time may have already passed.
Reply via email to: piccolo@virginia.edu