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Re: Who are you?

At 16:01 10.12.1996 -0600, you wrote:
>Some of us cannot use our company affliation as it violates company 
>policy.  However,  most of the persons who reply can be found in 
>the HPS membership handbook.
>Vince Chase

Sorry, I did not necessarily think of a company affiliation - let me change
this to "address". Anyway I think if any opinion violates company policy,
then the company's computers and e-mail addresses should not be used. I
personally use my home computer in the evening (it is now 11:09 p.m.). I
will soon install e-mail at my affiliation and I will have the right to
spread my opinion via that channel. 

I was rather thinking that some messages resemble anonymous messages - and
anonymous letters are in my opinion not correct as well as anonymous
telephone calls. I thought it to be a matter of courtesy and openness to
identify oneself when sending a message.

I am sorry, but I have no access to any HPS membersship handbook - as most
will not have - and I do not think it appropriate to search for any person,
who might be in that handbook. 

I hope that my address is always sent automatically!

Best regards,

Habichergasse 31/7
A-1160 WIEN
Tel./Fax:	+43-1-4955308
Tel.:		+43-664-3380333
e-mail:		schoenho@via.at