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Release Limits Transport

It should be noted that one should be careful in applying free release
limits to transportation.
Contrary to popular belief "free release" licensing regulatory limits does
not necessarily exempt the shipper from transportation requirements.  "Free
release" licensing regulatory limits and transportation requirement should
be treated as two separate and independent excercies.
Roy A. Parker
Tel: 504-924-1473
Fax: 504-924-4269
Pager: 800-759-7243 PIN 30630
--- Forwarded Message ---
     16-Dec-96 11:50 CST
 Sb: Re: Debris removal and scanning
 Fm: "Hampshire, John" > INTERNET:John.Hampshire@Jacobs.com
Surface release guidelines can be found in Reg Guide 1.86.  For natural
uranium (and its associated decay products), the relevant release
numbers are 1000 dpm/100 sq-cm removable alpha, 5000 dpm/100 sq-cm total
alpha (fixed plus removable) averaged over any 1 sq-meter, with no
single 100 sq-cm exceeding 15,000 dpm/100 sq-cm total alpha.  For
thorium the release levels are 200, 1000, and 3000 respectively.  For
radium-226, the limits are 20, 100, and 300 respectively; however, these
should only apply if your process concentrated radium-226 preferentially
over the concentration of uranium  (Ra-226 is included in the natural
uranium limits by reference to "associated decay products").
As an aside, these numbers also appear in 10 CFR 835, Appendix D, but
the radium-226 release limits for total contamination are higher (500
average and 1500 maximum total, but removable remains 20).