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Microbeam Conference
I'm sure there are other Radsafers who may not be in the Radiation Research
Society, who might be interested in this meeting. Info only.
Eric Goldin goldinem@songs.sce.com
DAVID BRENNER <brenner@cpmc3.cpmc.columbia.edu> announces the following
meeting of interest to Radiation Research members.
3rd International Workshop:
Microbeam Probes of Cellular Radiation Response
Columbia University, New York City,
May 8-9, 1997
There is increasing interest in using microbeams, which can deliver
beams of different radiations with a spatial resolution of a few microns, for
radiobiological research. The technique can be used to address such questions
as the effects of irradiation of neighboring cells, the effects of single
tracks of radiation, and the relative sensitivities of different parts of the
Several microbeams are now in operation, and others are being
developed. This Workshop is to review the current status of microbeams, and to
look forward to future developments.
The Workshop will be at Columbia University in Manhattan, on the
Thursday and Friday after the Radiation Research Society Meeting in Providence,
Rhode Island. Transportation between Providence and Manhattan is rapid and
convenient. The Workshop is scheduled for one and half days, with an optional
tour of the Columbia University Microbeam facility on Friday afternoon.
If you are interested in attending and/or presenting, please fill out
the attached form, or Email us, by January 31, and a second announcement will
be sent to you.
I am interested in
[ ] attending
[ ] attending and presenting
at the 3rd International Workshop on Microbeam Probes of Cellular Radiation
Response. Please send me the next announcement
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________
Phone ______________________________________________________________
Fax: ______________________________________________________________
Email ______________________________________________________________
Please return by January 31, 1997 to
3rd International Workshop: Microbeams Probes of Cellular Radiation Response
Attn: Stephen Marino
RARAF at Nevis Laboratories
Columbia University, P.O. Box 21,
Irvington, NY 10533
Email: sm14@columbia.edu
Fax: (914) 591-9405